Thursday, April 10, 2008

browsing through the book store

Why, why, why, WHY is it so effing difficult to find a book on sustainability/environmental science/ environmental justice written by a woman?! I am in Portland, OR and I just spent hours in Powells searching for books for this project. As difficult as it was to find books dealing sustainable ag or EJ that wasn't white washed it was even more difficult to find anything authored or coauthored by a woman. It seems counter productive to research the queering of EJ from sources that represent the model I am trying to get away from.

Yes, I know this rant is nothing new. Women, specifically women of color and indigenous women are severely underrepresented in the land of published work. Maybe it was just me being hopeful, but I KNOW that the majority of the work on this issue is not done by white men.

I did find some helpful books despite this frustration.

Story Earth: Native Voices on the Environment, Compiled by Inter Press Service

From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture, By Helena Norberg-Hodge, Peter Goering, and John Page

Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North and South, By Ramachandra Guha and Juan Martinez- Alier

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