Monday, March 24, 2008

How to change the Whitewash of the WSU LGBTQ community?

Notes from conversation with Margo:
-How to create a class dialog in WST 300
-raced WSU GLBTA
-lack of knowledge of available resources
-resistance attitude and stance
-people: LEO, Judy, MJ, Margo, Myst, Liz, Tash, Jennlynn,T, Nora
-support systems, psychological theory, pagan community
-systems and power mapping
-queer womyn of color: their intersectionality and power relations
Their stories, informally.
Where do they feel allies would be helpful and strategic?
What factors and issues are part of the conversation?
How does the dominant white male community feel about queer white females vs. queer chicanas?
Relate race to sexuality
How is the queer white community helpful and not helpful?
Do they feel the conversation is worthwhile?

Political action: principals of working together.
Digital narrative
Where is the queer community?
How to create this dialogue, have this conversation?
Find ways to work together with our non-traditional allies.
-safezone disclaimer portal page on blog.

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